Then read and answer the question that follows. All fiction is a falsehood of sorts because it relates events that never actually happened to … Lesson 21: Analyzing Elements of Modern Fiction 219 RL 89 Unit 6 Interim Assessment. 2 … Fiction is a narrative that strings together events that are imaginary, not factual. 1 What is the area of the smaller circle at the center of the Use 3.14 for p. In stories authors blend these elements to create a cohesive whole, but it is helpful for students to identify them individually in order to analyze their impact on a story. Learners analyze major elements of a short story and write short answers describing elements. RL.8.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to … Analyze how a modern work of fiction draws on themes, patterns of events, or character types from myths, traditional stories, or religious works such as the Bible, including describing how the material is … Myths can be stories about people and non-living subjects, like elements of nature. This Lesson Plans book is a companion to your Teacher Wraparound Edition (TWE) in the Glencoe Literature: The Reader’s Choice program.
(RL.8.9) I can analyze figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings.